How To Use SEMrush For Paid Search

January 7, 2022  /  
How To Use SEMrush For Paid Search | Page Kits

Developing a new paid search campaign requires keyword research, ad group creation, development of search ads, and bid management. SEMrush has developed a tool that assists marketers at every stage of the approach.

Research Keywords to Target

After conducting foundational research to determine the various types of keywords you wish to target, it's time to choose the most effective keywords. Your objective is to choose keywords with a high volume of searches yet a cheap cost per click (CPC). SEMrush offers two tools that make this procedure significantly easier.

Traditional Keyword Research

The Keyword Magic Tool is perhaps the most frequently used function of SEMrush. When you type a root word into the search bar, SEMrush provides hundreds of related search terms along with vital statistics such as search volume and projected cost per click (CPC).

You may save the keywords you're targeting and import them into SEMrush's PPC Keyword tool. The next step will demonstrate how to organize these keywords into groups that will ultimately be fed into Google Ads.

Competitor Gap Analysis

You can use SEMrush's Keyword Gap tool to identify relevant keywords. This tool enables you to discover keywords for which your competitors score highly but for which you do not. This is a time-efficient and effective method of identifying new keywords to target.

Target Keywords To Be Organized Into Ad Groups

After identifying your target keywords, the following step is grouping them. The PPC Keywords tool included with SEMrush enables you to import and arrange keywords at the campaign and ad group level. Additionally, you can generate negative keywords and assign each term a certain match type (phrase, broad, or exact).

After grouping your keywords, you may export the entire list and import it into Google Ads. Additionally, you can use this SEMrush tool to import current Google campaigns and alter your keyword list.

Develop Search Ads

After establishing your keyword groups, the next step is to develop your search ads. The SEMrush Ad Builder lets you construct search ads using pre-built templates and then assign them to campaigns created using the PPC Keyword tool. All major ad components are included in the editor, including site links, callouts, and structured snippets.

SEMrush reveals the ads your competitors are running for the same keywords you generate your own. This competitive intelligence streamlines the ad development process and results in higher-quality search advertising.

As with your keyword list, these ads may be exported as a CSV file for easy upload to Google Ads. Additionally, SEMrush allows users to download ads into a PPC Map, visualizing your ad structure.

Establish CPC bids

After you've uploaded your keywords and ads to Google Ads, the final piece of data you'll need is your CPC bids. This is the maximum amount you are prepared to pay for each search ad click.

SEMrush has various reports detailing the current cost per click (CPC) for every term. The PPC Keyword tool provides an up-to-date column with this data, which you can use to set your campaign’s starting bids and launch them accurately.

If you are currently using SEMrush for your SEO reports, check out Page Kits’ guide on how to read SEMrush reports.

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